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Why should I make a donation ?

By donating your used smartphones and/or old mobile phone, you can have a positive impact at various levels !

Offer digital access to people in need

Donated smartphones are refurbished by Digital Inclusion asbl in its social reuse workshop in Luxembourg. The devices are then distributed to people in need in Luxembourg, who can also receive free support and training from Digital Inclusion.


The beneficiaries of this project are refugees and local households in need. They are selected by our social partners (Social Offices, ONA, Caritas and the Red Cross).


With our partners, we aim to make Luxembourg a fully inclusive country in terms of digital access. 

Accès au numérique pour les personnes dans le besoin.jpg

Smartphone support at Digital Inclusion asbl

Recycle and refurbish the raw materials

The old smartphones and mobile phones that cannot be refurbished by Digital Inclusion will be dismantled manually and recycled in the SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef occupational insertion workshop in Bertrange.


This approach makes it possible to save resources as dismantling means certain raw materials, which are essential for the manufacture of these appliances, can be re-used. 

Re-use electronic devices to ensure a better environmental footprint

For smartphones that are already a few years old, refurbishing allows you to add value to the devices before they become obsolete. By donating a functioning smartphone, you extend the life of a device that has been produced at a high energy and material cost. It's a good way to optimise the environmental footprint of your smartphone and, at the same time, provide digital access to all.

Foster social and inclusive employment in Luxembourg

SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef asbl and Digital Inclusion asbl are non-profit organisations.  


The slogan of SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef asbl is "Mënsche staark maachen" (Making people strong). It is a social initiative that offers a pathway to professional integration for jobseekers.

These individuals can learn new technical skills in the workshop by dismantling smartphones and mobile phones, which will enable them to better integrate into the labour market.

Digital inclusion hires people who have difficulty accessing the labour market. This so-called 'social' employment allows them to re-gain access to the labour market and thus improves their chances of finding a job in the primary labour market. 

In addition to helping the individuals who receive your smartphone, your gesture has an impact at a social level and is an act of solidarity.

Mobile Bag

Workshop at Digital Inclusion

Démantelement des anciens GSM dans les ateliers de SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef.jpg

Dismantling old mobile phones in the SOLINA Aarbechtshëllef workshops

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